
dijous, 27 de març del 2014


C/St Pau nº 32
Palau, Spain
7th April 2014

Mr Mariano Rajoy
La Moncloa

Dear Sir Mariano Rajoy

I am writing this letter in order to complain about the situation of the people who are losing their home and how the government is acting in front of this.

I ask myself if you or one of your ministers know anything about the Human Rights. Let me explain you something: the Universal Declaration of Human Rights were written in 1946 and were supported by all the members of the United Nations. If I am not wrong, Spain is part of the United Nations so I has to suppose that Spain support Human Rights.

I suppose too that you have heart something about people that have lost their home because they cannot pay the bills, the “Desahucios”. Even I think it is obvious, I do not want to argue about who owns the fault, if the banks or the people; I would like to know where is the protection of Human Rights. The 14th Human Right says that everybody has the right to seek a safe place and what is doing the government is helping these people to live in the streets (which is illegal).

There could be a lot of possibilities to help these people, you and your government only would have to want to help them. In fact, your support for the Human Rights requires you to do something with this problem.

Thank you for your time.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Eloi Güell

dimarts, 25 de març del 2014

Russia: Halt Orders to Block Online Media

By the moment, the situation is different and the freedom of expression is still active in most of the cases  in my country. Of course, there are exceptions when we talk about the king. A part from that, every day the government tries to eliminate little parts of this freedom of expression when they prohibit some kind of protests or protest in determinate places like in front of the parliament.

To fight against this problem in Russia is difficult as an individual; you only can spread the word with the objective that most part of the population be conscious of this problem. It is Europe who can do bigger things as a collective but it has to do it carefully because acting out of the continent borderline is always polemical.

dilluns, 24 de març del 2014


Human rights are the rights you have simply because you are human. Everyone owns them. They were written in 1946 by Eleanor Roosevelt in the Declaration of Human Rights and there were thirty.

The rights with the ones I was not familiar are these ones:

·         9- No unfair detainment

·         13- Freedom to move

·         15- Marriage and family

·         17- The right to your own things

·         20- The right to public assembly

·         24- The right to play

We can find a fair example of the human rights in the modern countries like the European ones, were the slavery has been totally abolished.

I consider that the human rights is a type of joke or an utopia; anyone with a little bit of common sense knows that none of these human rights is secure over the hole world. An example of this could be the first one: No one is equal when they born, there are countries where most of the babies have as a destiny death with few months. The human rights don’t exist, they only would have to exist. 


Education is about inspiring one’s mind, not just filling their head: I cannot agree more with this sentence. It is true that sometimes education is built in a way that forces students to memorize dates and sentences and it doesn’t help them to learn and to inspire themselves. However, I consider that, when you want to have a consistent opinion about something, you need to have some knowledge that you only can have memorized; for example: history and philosophy.

If you don’t build your dreams, someone else will hire you to help build theirs: If I consider literally the meaning of the sentence, I have to say that the construction of one’s dreams is compatible with the construction of the other ones dreams. However, I think that the only meaning of these words is a motivation to enjoy your own life and I think this sentence can help this people who life working for other people and helping only to the other ones.

There is more than one way in this world to be an educated man:  On one hand, it’s true; there is more than one way. On the other hand, it is far more difficult to get your dreams if you don’t have studies. I have the feeling that the message that the video want to give you is correct but the way to do can be not clear and it can be easily misunderstood. The boy of the video says a lot of names of extraordinary people that had not studies, but we have to be conscious that they are/were EXTRAORDINARY and the rest of the people who drop out school finish doing something that they didn’t want. 

dimarts, 18 de març del 2014


It’s difficult to believe in a unique soulmate when we know that there are lots of millions of people around the world. And it’s difficult too to believe in a soulmate which is completely perfect for you when you know that there are infinite possible souls. A soul is made with the genetics and with the environment when it grows up so it is impossible to believe in a concret soul that is the only valid one. Consequently, we have only to think about people who you like better than other people.

When I think about a soulmate I only consider character qualities, not physical ones. A soul which I would like, to put an example, would be an energetic and humorous person. She would have to have sense of humor but she would have to be responsible too. So I consider that she would have to be a little bit crazy even though not in important moments when you have to be serious to choose an important decision. I don’t like extremes; self-confident is a good quality but I hate arrogance; I prefer modesty and ambition to improve your defects. Adding to that, another quality that this soul would have to own is tolerance; I also hate intolerant people who think that there is only a way to be or a way to think.

I don’t know if there are a lot of people with these qualities but I am sure that is silly for anyone to get impatient looking for a soulmate.

diumenge, 2 de març del 2014


Carnival has arrived; in fact, officially, it has already finished because it was this weekend. Luckily, there are places where they celebrate it a week later or, in some places, two weeks after the official carnival.

On Friday, we went to Roses:  like every year, Roses carnival is a massive event and there are a lot of people. We enjoyed a lot even thought there are also a lot of people who only are looking for trouble. Yesterday that it was Saturday, we went to Sant Pere. Of course, it is nothing compared with Roses talking about number of people. However, it is a more familiar atmosphere and you go there knowing who you will find. As I have said before, carnival doesn’t stop here; for be the best carnival are next week in Castelló which is mix of Roses and Sant Pere and it is the only date in the year that we can see a good party with a lot of people in Castelló.

This year, by disgrace, carnival has been put just on the exams week... but I am one of these people who think that we can do both things if we organize well.

Childhood nightmares may point to looming health issues

Nightmare of a clownResearchers in the United Kingdom has warn that nightmares, which are normal in children, but in a regular way may be early warning about psychotic disorders and illnesses when these children are between three and seven years old.

I am a little bit confused; I don’t know if I should be worried or I would have to ignore these studies. I don’t know if people tend to have a lot of nightmares when they are children, but this news has caught my attention because, if I don’t remember it wrong, I used to have a lot of nightmares. In fact, my worst fear and worrying was the nightmares: sometimes I tried not to fall asleep only to avoid my nightmares.

I consider that my way to see things is special but I think I don’t have psychotic disorders by the moment and I hope they won’t arrive.

Concluding, I want to recommend to all the parents that have seen this news not to worry if their children have nightmares, because I have to say that my psychotic disorders are not as grave as it seems; even sometimes I seem a normal person.

Self evaluation


BODY LANGUAGE AND EYE CONTACT: I read too much and my tone was too uniform. 0'6

STRUCTURE: Clear structure. 1

CONTENT: Difficult to explain my project in an oral presentation (even more in english). 3'3

LANGUAGE: Rich vocabulary. 1'9

PRONUNCIATION: Some mistakes and difficulties. 0'7


dissabte, 1 de març del 2014

Research paper abstract

The future of human nature

The objective of this bioethics project is to study and analyze the main conflicts that are associated with liberal eugenics, the improvement of the human species. It is a discussion between different points in favor and against the liberal eugenics from five different philosophers, two in favor and three against it. At the end of the project, I reflect on the best arguments and I have drawn where the limits should be in the future.

'Dozens die' in China knife attack at Kunming train station

An attack by knife-wielding men at a train station in Kunming in south-west China, which the reasons of it are unknown by the moment, has left 27 people dead, the state news agency Xinhua says. Moreover, over 100 people have been hurt.

By the moment, there is practically no more information about this news but I want to use it to talk about these strange and eccentric conflicts that appear sometimes. I deduce that this happening has been caused by a type of sect or something like that. In any case, I’m sure that people who have done it are mad people, like these students in United States that go to their college and start to kill people. Of course, all of these are disgraces but they are (or should be) a problem for the governments. What I mean is that, apart from a disgrace for the innocent people, these are conflicts that hide social issues; we can’t think that it is bad luck that exist this mad people, this people exist because something makes them mad and this is what the governments have to discover and try to eliminate it. 

Red Bull hit new testing low as Vettel fails to complete a lap

The Red Bulls has failed one more time this preseason when Vettel’s car has not worked as it was expected. In this occasion, Vettel and his car have not finished the first lap because the Red Bull has stopped four times. When they wanted to get the car on the track another time, the car has broken down before leave the pit lane.

Red Bull’s hegemony seems to be finished after four years of ample victories. We can’t say that Vettel won’t win the championship because this would be reckless and a bit silly, knowing the results of the last years. However, I have the feeling that this season will be more exciting than ever because there are a lot of candidates to the victory, the Ferrari team have improved a lot and the Mercedes are the ones who are responding with the best results in trainings. Moreover, McLaren and Williams are doing good laps too.

The season starts in two weeks in Melbourne, the GP of Australia. By the moment, the situation of Vettel and their team is critical and it will be difficult for them to fix the situation but I have no doubts that they will do it and they will catch the level of the rest of the teams.