
dimecres, 14 de novembre del 2012

Lies and honesty

I’d like to begin by saying in what situations are typical lies and in what situation we have to be honest. Everybody has been dishonest at home with their parents or at school, with the homework, I think this is normal. But there are situations in wich we must never lie, for example in front of the law; we have to be always honest.

There are other situations that we have to lie or we think that we have to do it, not for our sake, for the other person’s sake. An example of this would be when we lie to protect some body’s feelings and we say that the other person looks very beautiful, even if we don’t think this. There are other situations where we usually lie; to avoid an argument or another kind of problems. It would be better to tell the truth but it’s easier to tell a little lie and avoid these situations…

On the other hand, not always we can tell a lie so easy. As I’ve already said in the first paragraph, in front of the law you have to be honest because probably there are more important things at stake. Also we have to think that white lies like the ones of the second paragraph are in most cases discovered, and then the consequences are worse than if we would have told the truth.

In conclusion, we usually lie in a lot of daily situations but we have to think about it before do it, because the consequences if we are discovered can be worse for us and for the people around us.

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