
dimecres, 27 de març del 2013


This is, of course, a tragedy, and now everybody is looking for a guilty. A lot of people think that it’s a law fault because it is not banned to have a danger dog or some danger dogs, but I think it isn’t a fault of the law because in the most cases, the dog’s race doesn’t mean anything if the owners have educated correctly the dog. In my opinion it’s a general problem of the society that find interesting and exciting to have a dog of a dangerous race but the most of the people don’t matter about its education. We need to be more conscious about the responsibility that implies to have these animals if we want to delete these tragedies.   

dimarts, 26 de març del 2013


This second term, in general, has been positive for me compared with the first term. My first term wasn’t bad because I passed all the subjects and I only got one 5 and two 6; but I don’t know yet what degree I want to study and for this reason I want to get a good mark at the end of Batxiller because you never know if you will need a tenth more to be able to do the degree that you want where you want.

This term I have reached getting my objective of improve physics, chemistry and mathematics. So my marks have been all 7 or more. It’s true that I have got worse marks in Catalan, CMC and PE; however, I’m happy with my performance because I’ve improved the most difficult subjects and the general mark.

My objective for the next term is very optimistic and difficult but I know I can do it. It consists, first of all, in improve language’s marks because the third term is very important in this subjects; they are cumulative. And finally, I want the sevens become eights, it will be very satisfying to have all my marks over the 7. I’m realistic and I won’t cry if I won’t  achieve all my objectives but I want to get them and I will fight for them.

diumenge, 3 de març del 2013


Vocaroo Voice Message

He lives in Castelló d’Empúries, not far from my place. We are friends since we were five years old. Sadly, since three or four years ago, we can’t meet often because he’s always doing his hobby. He’s a big friend, however he’s really shy and he never tells his private life.

If you look at him, the fact thing you will see is that he’s fairly tall, he’s probably 1’90m tall. I can’t tell if he is handsome or not because I don’t know. He has got brown hair and he has got brown eyes.

He’s always wearing expensive brands in his clothes but, in my opinion, he’s not particularly worried about his image.

His personality is quite special. He’s very shy and insecure, he hates speaking in public. He’s not one of these people who want to impose his opinion, he is quite open-minded. You can tell him whatever and he doesn’t say anything to anyone, but he will never tell you anything about him, he is extremely reserved.

In conclusion, he is shy, generous and particularly good friend, but it’s really difficult to know about his private life.


“Friends are the family who you choose” some people say. Friends are very important in my life and for this reason I want to dedicate a post to my friends.

I have the luck to have a lot of good friends, or this is what I think. Some of them are known since I was a little child; I met them at before 1st of Primària. They are Roger, Batlle, Arià and Ferran. After that, I met Costa, Pau, Jaume at Primària and Fran at football. Last year I met Bertuzzi in high school, now we go all together. But this is only my main group of friends, there are a lot of friends more that I have or I had that I met at football, at high school or last years at parties. Some of these friends I haven’t mentioned are very important for me, for example Judith, we are good friends since one or two years ago.

They all are very important for me and I don’t want to lose them never. I know I will distance with some of them but I expect with the minimum possible. 


My dog’s name is Trasto, he is five years old but he is always playing and following cats and birds like when he was a little dog. Every time I arrive home and he is waiting for me he starts to run around the house.

Physically, he is quite big, but he isn’t fat. He’s got fair hair and brown eyes, some people say that he it’s similar to me, I don’t know if it is good or not but it’s current to say that pets are similar to their owners.

His character is quite good except when I take him out; he becomes crazy and he doesn’t listen to me.  He is usually loyal, especially when he is quiet; when he isn’t quiet because we were out or because there are other people at home he ignores me.

I know I would have to dedicate more time in him, educating and taking him out; this is one of my new year resolutions.


First of all, I'm sorry but we had a problem with Jaume's mobile and we lost the video about the oral presentation. All my puntuation is based in what I remember and evaluated from my point of view.

Eloi Güell: Australian football (with Roger Farrés)
Presentation (10%)
Do you use any resources? Are the resources relevant and attractive and focused on the topic? Do they support your presentation? Is the timing 5-7 minutes?
We have used a Prezzy and it was a quite good support. The time was about 7 minutes Roger and 7 minutes me.
Body language and eye contact (10%)
Are you looking at your audience most of the time? Are you reading occasionally from your notes? Are you doing any gestures / movement to hold the attention of the audience?
It's true that I read too much from my paper support but when I wasn't reading I looked at the audience.
Structure (10%)
Do you organize your ideas in order of importance? Do you use discourse markers to make your ideas more clear?
Yes, we had a clear structure and our idea were clear.
Content (30%)
Do you introduce interesting, NEW information to your audience? Is your information detailed and clear? Do you give / show examples? Is your information copied from a source or is it original? Did you look up information/facts/ideas in the Internet/books…?
Our information was totally new and nobody knew about Australian Football. The information was clear but we found all the information in the Internet.
Language (20%)
Is your grammar correct, complex? Is your vocabulary rich and varied? Do you use sentence linkers? Do you use pause fillers?
I think we use grammar correctly, the vocabulary was simple but used       good. We didn't make mistakes but our vacabulary was not very complicated.
Pronunciation and intonation (10%)
Do you know how to pronounce all your words? Did you check the pronunciation with a dictionary, a classmate or the teacher? Do you change your tone of voice or use a monotone tone all the time? Did you speed in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions?
I think I had a good pronunciation; of course, I'm Catalan and my accent wasn't the English one.
Self-evaluation (10%)

Final Mark: (100%)


“4th ESO was a difficult course and we had to work a lot” this is what we said when we were in 4th ESO. Now, one year later, the ones who do Batxiller can say that ESO is very easy. There is a big change between ESO and Batxillerat.

The most difficult subjects are, in my opinion, physics and chemistry. The main problem of these subjects is that you need to practice a lot; but we usually learn a new thing every class and we only practice a bit. The problem is that we have to do a lot of things for prepare the Selectivitat.

This is the main difficulty of Batxiller, the rest of it consists, basically, in study during the hours that we need.

I only expect, by now, that the change between 1st and 2nd Batxiller won’t be as hart as the one between 4th ESO and 1st Batxiller.