
dilluns, 18 de novembre del 2013

How to catch a dream at the age of 17

Maybe you will think that I am very repetitive with this topic but I hope this is the last time I will talk about that.

There are probably people who have achieved their childhood dreams before the seventeen. However, in my case, I can’t talk about a childhood dream. In my life, there is something that had had to happen to me before I had this dream; something terrible, a nightmare. This may sound dramatic. Maybe it is but I thing “nightmare” describe well when a child has to stop to do the most important in his/her life (to play football in my case). Since this happened to me, my first objective was to play football again with regularity. After some failed intents to do it, I think I can say that I have succeeded. 

Four years, five months and six days after my injury, I have caught my dream. I have already played over ten matches and I have the feeling that I won’t be injured again. Of course, after catch my dream at the age of seventeen, I have lots of dreams that I am sure I will catch too.

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